Information and Tricks

This blog provides you tricks and tips for maintaining your PC and internet tricks as well

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to post the link which was flagged on gamersunite

When i looked my blog's traffic one day it decreased to 40% of my normal traffic.Later I found that I was banned for scammed in gamers unite and i was muted too.Well i cannot post there anymore with that ID but i made another ID and tried to post it this time the links which I put before is banned.It means that they added that link to scamming links.SO even if use a shortened url it wont work.So I thought if we cannot add links to the description why not add the link to an image and it worked too.I will tell you how to do it.

Create a new ID if your previous ID is muted

Write a post on gamersunite and add a picture and click Insert/Edit link like in the picture and put a link and done :-) and ask the viewers to click the picture to visit the link.

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